The ROC Singing Institute provides professional and emerging professional singers an opportunity to study etc.
Volunteers include Board Members, Interns both Office & Tech. support and students.
All productions are recorded and aired on local TV & Radio Stations.
Phone 718-876-7945
1000 Richmond Terrace
Snug Harbor
Cultural Center
Staten Island .NY 10301
Dear Singers,
Singers Institute happens several times a year to find out more email
You will work with Maestro Alan Aurelia Artistic Director Riverside Opera Company Inc. Music Director Richmond County Orchestra, Richard A. Malone Director Coney Island Opera and helden character-baritone in Bielefeld Germany for 14 years, Eleanor Lange piano vocal coach with NYC Grand Opera and John Deblass, Stage Director Joria Productions, Choreographer West side Dance Project in a calm non competitive learning environment.
. The cost of the institute is: $150. People interested should contact Maestro Alan Aurelia at Alan_Aurelia@msn.com
We hold the institute as soon as 6 persons register.
Auditors are welcome at a session only if space permits.
Name Phone Email
2 Areas you would like to work on
Selection is on a first come first served basis.
80% of our participants won auditions soon after attending the ROC Institute! For testimonials visit our website.
Please make your check payable to Riverside Opera Company.
Looking forward to working with you soon!
Maestro Aurelia
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